Well, apparently my last post (about "Soma", Carsten Höller's new exhibition in "Hamburger Bahnhof", Berlin) has caused some confusion....
So, I guess I should explain it a little bit....
It's maybe more a Berlin artworld thing, but it seems to me, that right now, everybody's just talking about nothing else than this exhibition. I had to comment that, it's just getting too crazy.
I'm not sure, where the hype is really coming from, or why everybody is so crazy about it.
Not that I think, it's not worth going there, it's just this sudden sensationalism, and how some things become big and others not...
As far as I understand it, the exhibition is a fake experiment or let's call it "mind game", involving reindeers, birds, mice, flies, the audience and - hallucinogen mushrooms.... these nice ones of course, the red ones with the white spots, they are just so catchy....
According to the exhibition, the "soma" (in an old vedish myth the food of gods) is imagined as the urin of the reindeers, that are walking around in a big enclosure in the entrance hall of the museum. These reindeers ate perhaps the mushrooms mixed into their food. Their urin is taken, filled in bottles, put into the fridge (and might be drunk by the audience???? could be.... would be nice, but I doubt it) and might be put into the food of the other, smaller animals (also running and flying around there in smaller enclosures), to see how they react. The thing is, the audience can just guess, what's really going on there, if some of the animals are "high" or not, if the experiment is true or efficient or serious or not, so it's all about speculations.... could be seen as a critisism towards modern science (I would definitely appreciate that), but maybe it's just that I project on it something I'm interested in.
Anyway, you can also sleep there, two persons per night.... but it's expensive, and I guess almost fully booked...
This description might be a little short and also not really correct, it's just to give you an impression.
So, what makes me wonder is the fact, that everybody's talking about it, and everybody apparently needs to see it... What do you think?
Maybe we should go, too? :)
Could just find two english texts: The one again from my last post, directly at the
Hamburger Bahnhof website, and
this related one.